Although each project follows a different schedule, there is a typical process for most projects.  The following timetable will give you an idea of how the process occurs.

  1. Phone Consultation. During the phone consultation, I learn about your vision for the project. I want to learn about your likes and dislikes early on, so that I have a clear understanding of what we are creating. I begin to get an idea for the scope and scale of your project. 
  2. Home Visit. I will meet you at your home to assess the space in question. This home visit gives you the opportunity to share your "wish list"--to tell me every detail that you've envisioned. It also allows me to share possible logistical limitations with you, as I see them in the space. At this point, I can often provide a ballpark quote. The home remodeling process can bring a lot of disruptions to your home, but I strive to minimize those disruptions as much possible. That's why I may ask questions about your preferences for entry points, where I can store materials, and even which bathroom I may use.
  3. Proposal. After the home visit, I will submit a proposal for your review. Before this can be completed, I may ask you to select products and materials, which will affect the final price estimate. I can recommend many vendors for you to choose that I work with regularly, if you would like guidance.
  4. Working the Project. With all the details agreed upon, we will schedule a mutually convenient time for me to begin work.  I will not stop working on your home until the project is completed--I only work on one project at a time.
  5. Wrapping Up. Once the project is nearly complete, I will complete a "punch list" with you.  This gives you an opportunity to examine every aspect of the project, and make sure that all work has been completed to your specifications.